
I originally wrote about my Obsidian to Quartz setup v3 at the end of 2022.
Now since Quartz v4 is out, this is my current setup (originally written August 2023, updated November 2024).

First of, Jacky Zhao has done amazing work with reducing dependencies of the Quartz project and now uses npx to build, publish and do local development instead of previously using a go and in particular the hugo-obsidian package.
This also reduced the publishing script I created for the previous setup (Publishing my notes).


If you’re upgrading I would recommend reading the guide from the documentation.
If you’re new to Quartz, check out Getting Started section on

The Setup

Now, my setup is quite similar my original write-up, however some things have changed.

Folder Structure

My folder structure changes are minor, now everything is moved into ~/Documents/Obsidian so that everything is grouped together.

  • Main Vault lives under ~/Documents/Obsidian/Vault
  • Quartz lives under ~/Documents/Obsidian/quartz
  • A Quartz folder within my Vault
    This folder gets copied over during Publishing and symlinked during Local Development.
    ~/Documents/Obsidian/Vault/000-Quartz -> ~/Documents/Obsidian/quartz/content
    This allows me to do all the writing for this site in my main vault without changing over to another vault.

Publishing and local development

As for publishing and local development I still use the Shell commands Plugin.

I have 3 commands for:

Screenshot for reference:

Quartz Publish

The following command starts my terminal (kitty) with the publish script.
This allows me to see if there were any errors during the publishing process and verify what is being published.

kitty ~/Documents/Obsidian/quartz/.helper_scripts/ \
  --obsidian-vault {{vault_path}} \
  --quartz-vault {{vault_path}}/000-Quartz

More about how it runs in Usage

Quartz Local (Browser)

To start the local development server and open the browser, I use the following command

~/Documents/Obsidian/quartz/.helper_scripts/ \
  --quartz-vault {{vault_path}}/000-Quartz \

(the server runs for at most 1 hour)

Quartz Local

In case I just need to (re-)start the server, I also have this command which just starts the server in the background

~/Documents/Obsidian/quartz/.helper_scripts/ \
  --quartz-vault {{vault_path}}/000-Quartz

(the server runs for at most 1 hour)

Helper Scripts

My helper scripts are all available in my repository under the .helper_scripts folder

They need to live under quartz/.helper_scripts for everything to work without modifications.

The script supports pre-publish hooks, in case there are things you want to execute prior to publishing.
In my case I have a script which updates my read books list under Books It also sources a file named quartz_publish.env under the users home directory which can contain API keys etc.


When the commands are set up and I’m ready to publish, I open the Command Palette, and type qpub which is the shorthand for the entire command and hit Enter.

  1. It starts up a terminal showing the progress of each pre-publish hook that’s run.
  2. It shows a git diff of the changes
  3. Asks me to press Enter to confirm the publish. A few seconds later, it has been pushed to my GitHub repository which will build the page and update my page a few minutes later.

Publish in action:

(video have not been update to reflect theme change, but process is the same)

Alternatively for the local server, I type qlocb for also opening the browser, or qloc for just the server.

If you find this setup useful, please do let me know either by starting a new discussion (e.g. Show and tell) on GitHub for this repository or message me on Mastodon.